Friday, April 11, 2008

reduce weight

Reports and figures from a host of countries indicate that the number of people suffering from obesity is increasing, but there are many who will never experience the disease. These are the people who consciously or otherwise adopt two of the most important life-style rules for a healthy life - eat a varied and well balanced diet, and get plenty of exercise daily.
By following these two rules religiously, these people will never suffer from being obese, nor will they ever be grossly over weight. Its easier to follow these rules than it is to have to reduce unwanted weight.
Eat a varied diet of meat, chicken and fish all in moderate quantities. Eat five portions of fresh vegetables and two portions of fresh fruit daily. Have whole grain bread in preference to white bread and have a quantity of nuts to chew on if hungry. Foods to avoid are processed foods (high in salt and fats), fatty and high calorie foods, foods and drinks with excess quantities of sugar, and avoid too much alcohol..
Regular exercise are as equally important as a sound and nutritious diet.
Think cardio is the best way to lose fat? Work the treadmill until your legs fall off? Sorry, that's not the way. Cardio should be part of your routine. But you need to build muscle to lose fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Did you know it takes up to 100 calories a day just to feed one pound of muscle? If you add muscle to your frame, you burn more calories. Even when you're just sitting around.
Learn more how to get fit and healthy.Click on the link below
Click Here!

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